Dragon Notes from Talitha Consults

02.21.24 09:32 AM

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Happy Lunar New Year from Talitha Consults! 

[PICTURED: Dragon team and flynig dragons]

The Year of the Dragon - 2024
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2024 is believed to be the year of the Dragon.

Dragon is the only mythical creature in the Chinese zodiac. Dragons often symbolize being passionate, fierce and bold. At the same time, there are many cautionary tales, warning Dragons to push away from their vices such as pride and self-aggrandizement. 

In this year of the dragon, we at Talitha Consults reflect on the following questions to help us deal with some vices associated with dragons:
  • In what ways are our own blazing and fierce passions blinding us from seeing our own shortcomings?
  • What thoughts and actions are left unexamined because we think are we are often in the ‘right’ and hardly in the ‘wrong’? Are we open to correction? Are we willing to admit we only know in part but not the whole? 
  • •In what ways and how often do we acknowledge our shared humanity and interdependence? 
We are not anti-passion. In fact, we are passionate bunch, founded on and strengthened by our individual and collective passion to build more just, safer and healthier communities. Therefore, it is all the more important for us to reflect on how to act, not out of pride or self-aggrandizement, but rather out of kindness and mutual respect, and dare we say, LOVE. 

[PICTURED: Seattle Chinatown Dragon Team's Dragon]

Talitha's Highlights from the year of the Rabbit (2023)
  • Eugene M. was promoted to Manager of Biz Op
  • Amy Chen L. joined Talitha as Senior Advisor
  • Grishma P. joined Talitha as on-call GIS Analyst-in-training
  • Expanded our services to the state of Utah
  • Continued to support displace students across the globe

Talitha Consults